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Progetto educativo PedENDOGames


PedENDOGames is a tool to aid young doctors in assessing complicated clinical situations by guiding them through appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic paths.  The aim of the project is to promote knowledge of paediatric endocrinology by disseminating information to a large number of young doctors and developing skills in diagnostic decision making.  It is hoped that this will lead to faster diagnoses and the earlier introduction of therapies.

The simulation of cases is used in many aspects of paediatric training and as a method is proven to lead to better learning outcomes for students.  The opportunity of working with complicated endocrinological data or with patients with simulated endocrinological conditions in a limited time frame, followed by a detailed debriefing, is a very effective way of developing diagnostic skills.


The games are held every year in the last week in October (elimination phase) and the first week in November (finals). The first phase is based on a process of individual elimination while the finals are played in teams.  The moderators are experts in paediatric endocrinology, diabetology and gynaecology.  One of the principal objectives of the project is to promote international collaboration among young doctors and paediatricians.  As well as a national competition, an international competition conducted in English is held every two years with the participation of experts and competitors from around the world.

This year PedENDOGames will be held online in Italian from the 26th to the 29th of October (elimination rounds) and from the 3rd to the 6th November (finals) 2021.

last update: 05-July-2021
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