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Progetto educativo PedENDOGames


The games are in two stages: an elimination round and a final.  Questions and simulations are based on common conditions and pathologies in Auxology, Endocrinology, Diabetology and Paediatric Gynaecology but will also touch on General Paediatric Medicine, Infant Neuropsychiatry and Paediatric Surgery.  The games are designed to be competitive! Learning sessions will test knowledge and require the active participation of all participants. 

The games involve the simulation of clinical cases and emergencies in Auxology, Endocrinology, Diabetology and Paediatric Gynaecology. This methodology has been shown to be one of the most effective (and enjoyable!) ways of teaching in medicine.  The use of technology promotes the best learning outcomes for all participants.  Participants will interact using a televoter and a platform designed to track the number of correct answers for each player or team and times taken to answer.

A week before the games there will be a preliminary elimination phase, open to 200 young doctors and paediatricians under the age of 35.  To participate you must be a specialist or specialising in Paediatrics, Genetic Medicine, Paediatric Surgery or Infantile Neuropsychiatry at one of the Specialist Medical Schools in Italy participating in the project.  

Up to 200 young doctors from all over the world will participate in the elimination rounds of the International Competition, to be held every two years.  Up to 10 places will be reserved for doctors under 35 specialising in one of the above-mentioned disciplines from one of the countries involved in the “Africa Project” in connection with the Masters in Advanced Paediatrics and Child Health at the Department of Health Sciences at UNIFI. The official language of the International Competition is English which for some participants may represent an extra challenge.  Its aim is to promote cultural and scientific exchange among young doctors which it is hope will establish the foundations for future collaboration. 

The elimination rounds will last up to three days, depending on the number of participants.  Each competitor will be randomly assigned to at least three of over 50 ‘simulation rooms’ in which they will meet and interact with clinical cases and answer simple questions about topics in Auxology, Endocrinology, Diabetology and Paediatric Gynaecology. The 54 ‘winners’ plus the 26 highest scoring ‘losers’ will then face a series of tests in the ‘emergency room’.  54 finalists will be selected who will be randomly sorted into 9 teams of 6 people for the finals. 

There will be a break of 2-3 working days before the final round. 

The final round is played by teams competing in a tournament with experts in Auxology, Endocrinology, Diabetology and Paediatric Gynaecology as moderators.  There tournament will last four days with two teams eliminated each day.  On the final day, the three remaining teams together with the two teams with the best scores among those eliminated will compete against each other to select three teams for the final.  After the final ,prizes for first, second and third place will be awarded. 


last update: 05-July-2021
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